Former Team Spirit Coach About w0nderful: "He Will Definitely Surpass degster"

Former Team Spirit coach Nikolai Certus Poluyanov shared his opinion about the team's new sniper Igor w0nderful Zhdanov. He also noted that Zhdanov will surpass Abdul degster Hasanov.

He is great. In fact, without swinging immediately to the tier-1 scene, many would falter. But he did it, I think he will add further, and with the right approach, he will definitely surpass Abdul, at least in a team game, and he knows how to shoot well.
Team Spirit should accelerate. While they are not playing as strong as they can, even considering the recent replacement, there is every chance to get into the top 4. I believe in guys, and I hope they will go even higher. However, I want the final Spirit - NAVI, and who wins in such a final is unimportant to me.
Nikolai Certus Poluyanov

At the time of publication of the news, Spirit has successfully passed the Play-In stage and will perform at the group stage of IEM Cologne 2022. Follow the link to see the progress of the tournament.

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