Overdrive Told About a Promising Young Player

Overdrive Told About a Promising Young Player

A Spirit scout noticed the player from the academy.

Alexey Overdrive Biryukov talked about the 15-year-old talent Danyla donk Kryshkovets from Spirit Academy.

Overdrive considers the player a genius and the leading talent of Spirit Academy.

Donk is a genius. I hope he will have a great career. It is more difficult for him than others to do this with his location, school graduation, and other life problems. This is not critical but causes specific difficulties. I'm super excited about him. Of course, this is the leading talent. If someone from Team Spirit fails, which will be very sad, donk will be the first contender for a replacement without any alternatives.
Alexey Overdrive Biryukov

Who is Donk?

For the first time, donk entered the Spirit Academy in August 2021, but then he could have shown better skill and was removed from the main team. But after he returned in May 2022, the player showed excellent statistics and began to develop skills. His average rating is 6.8, which is one of the best of all academy players.

Donk's statistics
Donk's statistics


What Are the Player's Prospects?

Now, donk can become a star of the tier-2 scene with potential for tier-1. And he is only 15 years old. We can get a player of Ilya m0NESY Osypov's level. Also, donk has already received an invite to the FPL, making him the youngest player in the league.

When Will It Be Possible to See Donk?

Unfortunately, seeing the young player soon will not be possible because the season has ended. We will see the Spirit Academy next year.

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