Xyp9x about Astralis: Mental Changes, about Magisk, S1mple and Zonic

Xyp9x about Astralis: Mental Changes, about Magisk, S1mple and Zonic

Thorin interviewed Xyp9x, learn a little about the inner workings of the Astralis kitchen, his opinion on players and such. Andreas "Xyp9x" Højsleth, former Support player of TSM and Astralis and currently an assistant coach for MOUZ

In 2016 the team became Astralis and would face the toughest years of their time at the top, finally bombing out of some group stages and seeing moves like cajunb swapped out for Kjaerbye delivering questionable results. Late in 2016 the team gambled on bringing IGL talent gla1ve back from the wilderness and the rest is very much history.

Astralis won the first major of 2017 and become the world's best team, challenging for their own era. They didn't manage to win the second major, Krakow, but went as far as a close semi-final loss to eventual champions Gambit. It would be the following year, with Magisk joining to replace an outgoing Kjaerbye, where Astralis soared like no other team in history.

How has the mental element changed in Astralis? The essence of the question about the psychological approach to matches where you were considered favorites.

I note a significant change in the mental aspect of our team, especially in terms of the psychological approach to matches where we were considered the favorites. We started to feel invincible, like we were just going to go in and blow these people away. This feeling was very different from what we experienced against Gambit, where we were confident but didn't get cocky. I want to emphasize how important the team bonding, chemistry and confidence was in achieving that invincibility. We enjoyed ourselves and felt a mutual understanding when we played as one. The transition from being an outsider to being perceived as invincible required many factors to coincide, including team cohesion and preparation. This turnaround, in my opinion, was key to our journey as a team.

How do you feel about the situation where the best lineup in CS:GO history was formed because of the drama with Kjaerbye's refusal to sign with Astralis, resulting in an incredibly strong team?

Yeah, it's a really amazing story. When Kjaerbye refused to sign with the Astralis, it was a real turning point. We didn't realize that he had a problem with his current situation, so it was a real shock for us to learn about his move to another team. This incident forced us to look for a replacement, and as a result we've put together arguably one of the best lineups in CS:GO history. Although we also considered k0nfig as an alternative, I was happy with the choice of Emil “Magisk” because he brought his unique qualities to the team and demonstrated his ability to be a great partner.

© This photo is copyrighted by ESL.
© This photo is copyrighted by ESL.

By the way, I've always wondered how you guys from Astralis feel about the question of the best player in CS:GO history? Let's say your teammate won every major and was MVP, you wouldn't consider him an 'GOAT', right? But for some reason, everyone, including your teammate, is leaning towards the idea that Simple may have been a 'GOAT', best player and the like. What's your opinion on that?

Talking about the top CS:GO star is a tricky chat. It's clear that skill alone can't show all of a player's worth. Sure, S1mple's numbers are top-notch, and he really helped NAVI rise up. But CS:GO is a game where playing together means a lot. To me, Dev1ce shows this best. He's not only good; he plays for the team, giving up his own spotlight to help them win. So, even if S1mple has great stats, Dev1ce's help in getting wins matters just as much. It's more than just points; it's about how someone lifts the team and helps them reach the top.

Can you talk about how key Zonic is in deciding the team's path, like his power to change the player line-up and how he sets rules? This makes him stand out as one of the first real coaches in gaming

Zonic plays a key role in leading the team's path, especially with his power in picking players and making rules. What sets him apart is not just his smart game plans but also his skill in dealing with team relations. He has a special gift to sense the team's spirit, stepping in when needed to keep peace and sharp focus. A main part of Zonic's style is being involved. He doesn’t avoid hard talks or big choices. He deals with problems straight on, creating a space where players are backed up yet also answer for what they do.

Even with recent dramas, Zonic's way of coaching mixes firmness with kindness. He might seem tough, but he aims to push players to do their best while caring for them. In the end, Zonic changes more than just game strategy. He builds the team's spirit, growing friendship and toughness. As one of gaming's first real coaches, his mark is not only in his smart plays but in his power to motivate and guide his team to wins.

© This photo is copyrighted by Jak Howard ESL.
© This photo is copyrighted by Jak Howard ESL.

After the legendary Astralis era, the team went downhill and lineup changes were made. During this, Xyp9x became inactive and played for Astralis Talents for a while before returning to inactive status.

But afterwards he joined MOUZ as an assistant coach, which turned out to be a good option. Xyp9x has a lot of experience and has a lot to contribute to the young players of MOUZ together with coach sycrone, and as we can see it's paying off. They recently won ESL Pro League S19 and finished second at IEM Chengdu 2024.

Source: Youtube

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