How to Play WoW Classic Hardcore

How to Play WoW Classic Hardcore

Sooner or later, there comes a time in the life of players when they want to test their years of experience in the game, including World of Warcraft fans. The Classic version of the game is in some aspects more difficult than the Retail version, which is why many players return to it. But what do you do when you get bored with the usual gameplay and want to try something more challenging? The way out of this situation is to play in the Hardcore mode of World of Warcraft. In this WoW Classic Hardcore guide, we will tell you how to start Hardcore mode and give you some tips about surviving.

What is WoW Hardcore mode?

Hardcore is a game mode in World of Warcraft in which players are given only one life. In case of death, the character dies irrevocably and cannot be revived, and as a result, the entire gameplay is lost. This mode is based on complicated gameplay with the prohibition of certain functions and a mechanic that challenges players. To play in this mode, you need good skills and knowledge of the game, and its features, as well as a strategy that will help you level up and survive as long as possible.

WoW Classic Hardcore Setup

  • If you have not played this MMORPG before, and you have decided to start with it and even in the hard mode, then first install from the official Blizzard website. Create and log in to a new account. After that, start downloading the game.
  • To play Hardcore mode in World of Warcraft, you first need to install the WoW Classic version. And don't forget to buy a subscription to get access to the full version of the game.
  • Download CurseForge, an addon manager program that is required to install custom add-ons.
  • In the program settings, add World of Warcraft and select the appropriate version of the game (Classic).
  • In the search bar, type Hardcore, to find Hardcore WoW Classic addon in the list, and install it.
  • Log in to the game, go to the Addons menu, and make sure that the add-on is checked.
  • Click the Change realm button and select the Harcore tab.
  • Choose a WoW Classic Hardcore server from the list.
  • Create a character and enter the game.
  • Familiarize yourself with the mod window and customize everything in it, because after you get the second level, you won't be able to do this anymore.

Hardcore addon
Hardcore addon

Classic WoW Hardcore Rules

In World of Warcraft's Harcore mode, there are two types of rules that players follow: official server rules and custom rules. The first ones are based on the technical limitations of the developer and are given regardless of the player's actions. Custom rules are a set of rules invented by the community itself, back in the days when there were no official Hardcore servers. Nevertheless, fans of the complex gameplay continue to adhere to their own rules, as they further complicate the gameplay.

Official Hardcore rules:

  • Character death is an irreversible process. After the death of the character, the player essentially loses all progress, because he or she cannot be revived, but remains in the form of a ghost and acts as a mere observer. Blizzard support does not restore dead characters.
  • Player participation in duels also leads to WoW Classic permanent death. To challenge a player to a duel, you should use the context menu by right-clicking on the character's portrait and selecting the appropriate item. Or you can select the target and write /makgora in the chat. Before starting a duel, both participants will have to confirm their participation in PvP by indicating that they agree to fight to avoid accidental clashes. Dueling is allowed only on the territories allowed for this purpose.
  • PvP is a voluntary process. If a player intends to take part in a duel or indicate to other players that they are ready for it, the player must indicate this by using the /pvp command in the chat. This is done to avoid accidental skirmishes and attacks on other players. However, if you attack a member of the enemy faction, you will automatically be marked as a PvP participant.
  • In those quests where under normal game conditions the player was marked as ready for PvP, this no longer happens. Also, some quests with NPC escorts have been adjusted so that they can no longer be attacked by an enemy faction.
  • PvP Battlegrounds and Battlemasters are disabled on Hardcore servers. Players can still organize their mass fights, but no one receives fame and reputation points for winning duels.
  • If a player takes an NPC far enough away from its location, the creature will automatically respawn at the starting point.
  • All dungeons have a 24-hour timer for players below level 60. Players of the highest level cannot go through dungeons with players of lower levels. This is done to prevent players from abusing the quick solo leveling in WoW Classic Hardcore.
  • The limit of 16 debuffs and 32 buffs has been removed for Hardcore servers.
  • In Hardcore mode, players who play as Paladins cannot use Hearthstone to teleport while casting spells such as Blessing of Protection, Divine Protection, or Divine Shield. This is to prevent Paladins from easily avoiding dangers with this combination.

Spirit Healer
Spirit Healer

Rules of the Hardcore community of the WoW mode:

  • There are no restrictions on the professions and talents of heroes.
  • You can use any equipment that you have created, found, bought from NPCs, or received for completing quests or killing mobs.
  • Players cannot use the auction house for trading.
  • It is forbidden to send mail and items to other players. It is allowed to use the mail to receive items from NPCs.
  • You cannot trade between players, including consumables, food, water, etc.
  • Players are not allowed to group, except for dungeons. This applies if you are playing Wow Classic Hardcore alone without friends. If you want group play in WoW Classic Hardcore, you need to select the appropriate group settings when you meet on the first level, before you start playing.
  • World buffs and buffs from other players are allowed, as long as you do not ask for them regularly.
  • Only one full group dungeon crawl is allowed.
  • Sorcerers and shamans cannot use their abilities to revive.

How to survive WoW Classic Hardcore

The basic needs for any character are level and items. Having a high level and the best equipment on your character will help them survive longer in the world of Azeroth. You should get the most out of everything. When starting a new game, the main thing is not to rush. The best option would be to stay in one location and farm mobs until you reach a certain level, such as level 5 or 6. This will take a little longer, but you can be more confident in your safety than moving to another location with stronger monsters. These monsters will be easier to kill, especially if there are more of them, and they go in groups. At the same time, complete local quests for extra experience points.

You can create several alt-characters and level them up to a certain level, and at the same time farm some items and gold to drop them into the bank and give them to the main character. Assign each character a profession, such as herbalism, to create health restoration potions. Everything should be aimed at maximizing the benefits for your main character.

Hero evades the enemy
Hero evades the enemy

Tips for survival in Hardcore WoW Classic

  • Focus on killing green mobs and green quests, because they are at your character level, or even weaker than you. So it guarantees you safety during your journey. You will be able to avoiding death in WoW Classic Hardcore and level up safely.
  • Don't be afraid to use consumables and don't skimp. Your greed or desire to save potions or food can cost you your life. It's better not to risk it, to heal at a convenient time and continue the game, than to die from a mob with a full backpack of healing items.
  • Keep an eye on your equipment, and don't forget to compare the characteristics of two items, repair them, and choose the best equipment to fight mobs.
  • Even though you are playing in Hardcore mode, you can always use some addons that can help you with navigation or interface. These addons make it more convenient and enjoyable for you to play and keep track of some elements of the game.
  • Be careful with mage mobs, as they cause the biggest problem for most players. Especially unpleasant are their slowing spells, which will not allow you to run away or approach them in time, which will be your death.
  • Look around, watch out for enemy zones. One careless movement or blow can provoke some unwanted enemy to attack you directly, and even worse if there are two or more of them.
Group screenshot
Group screenshot
  • Stock up on bags as soon as possible. You will have a lot of items, and a significant part of them will be trash that will be sold. So you can quickly recoup their cost, and at the same time, you can carry more necessary quest items, potions, or other equipment.
  • Fight enemies in locations where you are confident that you can escape in the event of a dangerous situation. A blind alley or cave is not always the best place to fight monsters that can trap you. Try to provoke them and get them out of there and into a more open area. Also, keep an eye out for enemy areas, because it won't be very pleasant if you run past a seemingly empty area and an enemy suddenly appears to attack you.
  • Choose your talents wisely. High damage output is not always your priority. You should also consider abilities and talents that will increase your survivability and mobility.
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