Astralis Female: Letter to Valve about sexism in CS2

Astralis Female: Letter to Valve about sexism in CS2

The Astralis women's CS2 team sent a letter to Valve, the developer of Counter-Strike, regarding sexism in the game. The team believes that the presence of free male agent models, but the absence of female ones.

Astralis Female, a professional Counter-Strike2 team, has expressed concerns about potential sexism in the game. In a letter sent to CS2 developer Valve, the team focuses on the availability of free male agent models, while female characters do not have this option. This difference, in their opinion, is discriminatory and should be eliminated.

The letter details the difficulties faced by female players who do not have access to free character models that represent their gender. While paid options are available, Astralis Female highlights that having free male models creates an unfair advantage and reinforces negative stereotypes.

It remains to be seen how Valve will respond to these issues, but the situation has highlighted the importance of creating an inclusive environment in the gaming industry.

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