S1mple's Take on the Recent CS2 Map Pool Shake-Up

S1mple's Take on the Recent CS2 Map Pool Shake-Up

The CS2 gaming world has been set abuzz with the latest update to the competitive map pool, and none other than Oleksandr "s1mple" Kostyliev has weighed in with his characteristically candid viewpoint. The renowned Ukrainian pro, known for his sharp shooting and sharper tongue, took to social media to express his rather blunt opinions about the changes, particularly the removal of Overpass—a map that has seen him achieve some of his most memorable plays.

S1mple’s distaste for Overpass was succinctly summed up in his tweet, a declaration that echoed the sentiments of many players who have lamented the map's departure from the active rotation. His preference for the iconic Dust2, a battleground that has hosted countless historic CS moments, is clear and resonates with a significant portion of the CS2 community.

Overpass fucking shitLong Live The Dust2
 Oleksandr "s1mple" Kostyliev

A dive into his performance stats reveals a deeper story behind his preference for Dust2 over Overpass. The statistics, which show a consistent performance across different maps, including a formidable 6.8 average score on Overpass suggest that s1mple's disapproval of Overpass may be more than just a matter of personal preference. Despite his impressive average kill-to-death ratio and damage per round on Overpass, it appears that his fondness for Dust2, where he also boasts exceptional stats, is as much about the map's gameplay dynamics as it is about nostalgia and player sentiment.


Furthermore, s1mple's last ace was on Overpass, might have added a sentimental value to the map, reinforcing his disapproval of its removal. However, his farewell to Overpass is juxtaposed with his endorsement of Dust2, indicating his readiness to embrace and dominate the new challenges that the latest map rotation presents.

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