A player has left the Natus Vincere female CS:GO roster

A player has left the Natus Vincere female CS:GO roster

Danuta Danuu Grajkowska has left the women's CS:GO team NAVI Javelins, as announced by the Polish esports player on Twitter.

What are Danuu's plans for the future and who will replace her in NAVI Javelins?

Danuu stated that she is now a free agent and announced that she is looking for a new team. At the time of writing, it is unknown who will replace the Polish professional CS:GO player in the NAVI Javelins roster.

What did Danuu achieve in NAVI Javelins?

Danuu has represented NAVI Javelins since April 2022 when the club signed the Totalne Gituwy lineup. Together with the team, she placed 3-4th at ESL Impact Valencia 2022 and second place at ESL Impact Katowice 2023.

Danuu statistics for the last six months
Danuu statistics for the last six months

Grajkowska has been playing on the professional CS:GO scene since 2016. On the server, Danuu plays as a rifler. Throughout her career, she has earned around $12,000 in prize money.

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