STYKO: "I can't say what will happen next"

STYKO: "I can't say what will happen next"

After a turbulent period marred by roster changes and unsatisfactory results, Apeks fought their way back onto the main stage of Counter-Strike: PGL Major Copenhagen 2024. Led by a resurgent Martin ⁠STYKO⁠ Styk, the Slovakian team clinched a spot at the Major with a hard-fought 3-1 victory over ECSTATIC at the RMR tournament shared his thoughts with HLTV.

STYKO, who returned to Apeks in January after a short break, is back with a vengeance. His improved form, coupled with the leadership of rookie in-game leader Odne sense⁠ Fredriksen, helped the Apeks sail through the RMR tournament, overcoming the odds and silencing the doubters.

I came to RMR with one goal, and that goal was achieved. It wasn't easy, especially with some close matches, like against ECSTATIC. But we believed in ourselves, stuck together and won.

One of the biggest surprises for Apeks was the emergence of sense as their in-game leader. “He took on a challenging role and pulled it off,” STYKO praised. “His decisions were spot on, and his progress was amazing.”

STYKO's own renaissance was fueled by a new focus on practice and experimentation.

Having secured a spot at the Major, the Apeks now turn their attention to Copenhagen. However, STYKO's future after the Major remains uncertain.

“I can’t say what will happen next,” he admitted.


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