Twistzz Critiques Recent Valve Update

Twistzz Critiques Recent Valve Update

Russel "Twistzz" Van Dulken, the 24-year-old Canadian player for Team Liquid, took to Twitter to share his thoughts on the latest update from Valve. His constructive criticism highlights several areas he believes need adjustment.

Twistzz expressed his preference for the return of two distinct types of viewmodel bobbing, stating it was better in its previous form. Additionally, he suggested adding an option that allows players to view their own viewmodel while spectating matches. According to Twistzz, this feature would enhance the spectator experience by displaying left or right hand adjustments, though he emphasizes it should be a player's choice.


The update also introduced a few technical glitches that Twistzz pointed out. One significant issue is a bug in the buy menu that traps players, forcing them to exit the game to resolve it. Another bug causes the graphics to display as grey or static, necessitating a game restart.

Despite these issues, Twistzz acknowledged that the update had its positives but stressed the need for ongoing performance optimizations to enhance gameplay smoothness. His feedback reflects a broader sentiment in the community that while updates are welcome, they should also focus on maintaining and improving user experience.

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