Users with the latest update have broken movement registration

Users with the latest update have broken movement registration

There's a thread on Reddit where the post creator is drawing attention to the fact that his registering movements, jumps, and squats have started to lag. It's always different, but sometimes even for a second, despite the key being released. However, when shooting and throwing everything is fine.

His ping is stable, no packet loss and network stats are fine. Even after changing the “de-subticked” bindings to normal bindings, nothing has changed for him. He thinks that this is a consequence of the latest updates.

It should be noted that earlier in the release of Counter-Strike 2 there was a problem that the jump in the game is not with a constantly set height, and it varies, because of which there are mishaps when a player trying to jump on the box, can not do it, because the random height of the jump was not enough to jump on it.

One user wrote that it helped him get rid of a couple milliseconds of input lag

hey, full screen optimization and windows game mode was contributing 20~40ms of input lag for me. Maybe try disabling both.
1. Go to the cs2 executable and check the “Disable Fullscreen Optimization” box.
2. Find Game Mode in windows search and disable it.
One Reddit user

Although, this may not work, but everyone who has encountered a similar problem is advised to try it, if it doesn't help, in that case we are waiting for a fix from Valve.


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