Valve broke Overpass - why is it now a completely new map?

Valve broke Overpass - why is it now a completely new map?

The Counter-Strike 2 development team released an extensive nightly update tonight, including another map rotation from Valve, as well as additional modes including Wingman ("Partners"). In addition to this, the update also includes some bug fixes, improving the overall gaming experience.

But here is the most important was the addition of Overpass and Vertigo map:

  • Overpass has been added for competitive mode, as well as Deathmatch, Casual and Wingman.
  • Vertigo has been added for Deathmatch and Casual modes.

And now we are going to analyze together with you everything that the developers have changed on the map Overpass. We will look at the most important changes on the map, which ordinary players have already managed to find.

  • The flowerbed on the length has been removed, now it is replaced by a box that looks like an air conditioner or a hood. But that's not the main thing, because now you can't climb on it solo, through the bench standing next to it. It's all about hooking up now.
  • Superfluous pixels on the water close to the short have been removed, where previously you could hook up with two people and view the barrels, the plenta itself, and the marsh through a wooden board.
  • In the Connector they removed the imb pixel angle, through which you could kill the Connector's defender standing on the pallet under the stairs. The developers just increased the length of the wall a bit, thus removing the visibility.
  • Not dwelling on that pixel slot. Even though it doesn't work now, Valve has removed the ability to jump from the floor onto a pallet. Will need to use either your friend to boost or fall off the ladder onto the pallet.
  • Let's move on to bomb site A. Now the defenders jumping behind the truck won't be able to see passing banana and toilet players in its windshield.
  • Going back to the Connector, it should be said that now you can't jump to the shelf with building materials using longjump from the top ladder. On the new Overpass it is still possible to buster there, but there is no way to jump on your own.
  • The so-called "grill" position on the monster on the defense side no longer exists. Developers removed, unnecessary pixels on both sides. But added a concrete wall, but it is not so imbo because of its small height.

It should be noted that Overpass was the first map that was slightly redesigned in comparison with the CS:GO version. It has changed significantly in appearance, but the difference in gameplay is still hard to measure, but these changes will show that a lot has changed. Inferno, another significantly redesigned map, may be added within a month.

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