Outsiders Vs. FTW: a Boring Victory For a CIS Team?

Outsiders Vs. FTW: a Boring Victory For a CIS Team?

Yesterday's game of the Portuguese from FTW against FaZe in Group B at EPL S16 was not surprising - the expected defeat from NiKo and the company took place. Today's match with the Outsiders may follow a similar scenario.


In terms of maps, FTW has no advantage. As in the case of FaZe, the Portuguese have almost no experience playing in tier-1 stage. Also, Outsiders will ban one of the strongest FTW maps - Nuke. In theory, Ancient could be a close map, but it is doubtful that we will see it in the first stage. And things are unlikely to reach the day-sider.

Map veto statistics of both teams
Map veto statistics of both teams

The Shape

We don't yet know how stable the shape of the Outsiders is - in previous tournaments, there were losses from FURIA, forZe and Movistar Riders. However, yesterday's victory over BIG shows that Jame's players should have no problems with FTW-level teams.

Teams' shape
Teams' shape


The Outsiders are almost guaranteed to take their second landslide victory. However, it will not be easy for the Portuguese club in Group B at EPL S16, and they can only claim victory against MIBR if they draw the right conclusions from the latest games and can adapt to the realities of the tier-1 scene.

More detailed pre-match statistics are available here.

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