Audience Dynamics at Counter-Strike Finals: Highlights and Audience Shifts

Audience Dynamics at Counter-Strike Finals: Highlights and Audience Shifts

Esports Charts, an analytical company specializing in the study of esports tournaments, has published a study of viewer dynamics during the grand finals of major Counter-Strike tournaments. The data revealed a consistent pattern of growth and decline in the number of viewers between maps, which varies depending on the duration of the series. This study covered 17 major tournaments with a prize pool of more than a million dollars that took place between January 2020 and April 2024.

At the beginning of each card, there is a significant increase in the number of viewers. In particular, during the first card, the audience usually increases by 224%, reaching a peak. This is due to high interest in the beginning of the series, when most viewers join the broadcast.

However, after the peak, each map shows a decline, which is often attributed to viewers leaving during breaks or stopping watching if their favorite teams start losing. For example, after the first map, there is a 24% decline in the audience, after the second - 28%, and after the third - 34%.

Particular attention should be paid to the third map, where the growth rate of viewers is lower than in the fourth map (+46% vs. +56%). This situation is often due to the fact that the third card in the best-of-3 format is crucial, but in the best-of-5 format its role can change significantly.

Esports Charts
Esports Charts

Interestingly, the biggest changes in the audience dynamics are observed during the fifth card, when the series reaches a decisive moment. If the series reaches the fifth card, it generates maximum interest among viewers, as it decides the fate of the finale. The last best-of-5 final was the ESL Pro League Season 19 grand final between Mouz and Vitality.

Observations about viewership from the grand finals of the PGL Major Copenhagen 2024 and other major tournaments point to general trends in audience appeal and engagement at major esports events. Understanding these patterns is important for organizers and broadcasters looking to optimize broadcast times and increase overall viewer engagement.

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