Player's form

What is a player's form?

A player's form in a match shows how successfully a player is performing in that particular match compared to their average level of play.

Why do we need a player's form if there is a rating for the match/map?

Sometimes the final ratings of players do not fully reflect the reason for a team's defeat (or victory) in a match, as players may have similar indicators, and at first glance, it is unclear what went wrong.

This can happen, for example, if there is a star player on the team who did not demonstrate their best game in this match and played at the level of an average player. To determine who showed good or bad results compared to their usual level, the player's form indicator is used.

How is a player's form calculated?

A player's form in a match is determined as the percentage ratio of the difference between their current match indicators (kills per round, deaths per round, damage per round) and their average indicators for the last 6 months.

Let's use an example - s1mple's statistics on the first map (Ancient) in the final match of PGL Major Stockholm 2021. Oleksandr finished 27 rounds with the following statistics: kills: 32, deaths – 17, damage per round – 108. We convert kills and deaths to values per round, i.e., we divide by 27.

We multiply the average number of deaths by (-1) since the lower the death indicator, the better. We'll record everything in a table for convenience.

s1mple's stats
s1mple's stats

We calculate the arithmetic mean of the last column:

(36 - 5 + 23) : 3 = 18%

Conclusion: on this map, s1mple played 18% better than usual.